Object Hide and Seek:


Some favorite objects to hide?

  • Try matchbox cars

  • action figures

  • crayons

  • hair bows

  • LEGOs…

    Note: Just don’t hide anything that you don’t want to lose for awhile!



A new twist on an old game! This is similar to a treasure hunt, but so much easier to do… 

Hide a bunch of objects, 2-3 for preschoolers, 5-6 objects for older children Either use separate items for each kid, or use different rooms for each child so no one has their stuff “found” by someone else. They close their eyes, while you hide the objects.Start hiding things in easy places and then make it more difficult as they learn your tricks and you can see how well they do at finding things If they are struggling, just use the “hot-cold” game to help them get closer